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Showing posts from December, 2017

One family's journey through time, distance, and love.

Start from the beginning. It feels as if this book really reaches into the darkest depths of history and provides the answers to questions that many people struggle with today. Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi provides generations of the same family, and each chapter begins with the new generation. When I first read the description I thought this is either going to be the choppiest book I've ever read or a masterpiece. I'm halfway through this novel and completely sure she has achieved something remarkable.  The novel begins with the birth of two characters to the same mother.  These sisters will lead completely different lives across villages, coasts, and continents. 

Happy Holiday Reading!

From Goodreads best of the year to Amazon bestsellers it's a tricky thing finding the perfect book.  My latest reads come from the shelves of friends, I love nothing better than a book recommendation and an amazing friend who loans me the actual book.  So this holiday season, I say cheers to the book sharers, willingly giving your precious reads to the people you love.   Happy Holidays!